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考 試 科 目 |
中國文學系 |
英文 |
I(15/50). 按照下面的敘述,辨別五個句子的對錯。請在對的句子號碼前的括弧打圈(O),錯的打叉(X).
A living language is constantly changing. The spelling of an alphabetic language often changes to reflect changes in the spoken language. As a result the ancient and modern stages of such a language can appear to be two entirely different languages. Changes occurred not only in individual vocabulary items, but sometimes grammatical structures also changed, so that some Chinese dialects diverged to the point where they are mutually unintelligible. However, in the case of the Chinese script there was no direct connection between changes in the written language and the evolution of the spoken language.
( ) 1. The spelling of all languages remains unchanged all the time.
( ) 2. The changes of an alphabetic language involve only the spelling, but not the grammatical structures.
( ) 3. The written Chinese and the spoken Chinese do not have any direct connection in their evolution.
( ) 4. Old (ancient) English and modern English seem two entirely different languages.
( ) 5. All Chinese dialects are intelligible throughout the country.
1. The invention of printing extended the distribution of culture by making self-education easier.
( )這句話的意義是:
A. 印刷術的發明,來自有文化教育的中國。
B. 印刷術的發明,方便了個人的自修。
C. 這樣便利的印刷術,提升了文化的境界。
D. 印刷術的發明,促進了文化與教育的交流。
2. You may certainly use other persons’ words and thoughts in your research paper, but the borrowed material must not seem your creation.
( ) 這句話的意義是,在你的研究報告中,
A. 要盡量參考別人的文字與觀念,不可閉門造車
B. 要有自己的創意與表達方式,不可過分模仿。
C. 可以借用別人的文字觀念,但不可裝成自創。
D. 融合別人的與自己的文字與觀念,推陳出新。
3. Another story about Pandora is that the source of all misfortune was not her wicked nature, but only her curiosity.
( )這句話的意義是,Pandora
A. 她本性邪惡,是人類災禍的源頭。
B. 關於她的另一個不幸的故事令人非常好奇。
C. 是她的好奇引起人類的災禍。
D. 她既好奇,又邪惡,是人類災禍之源。
4. If the drama of Shakespeare were to be characterized, each by the particular excellence which distinguishes it from the rest, we must allow to the tragedy of Hamlet of the praise of variety.
( ) 這句話的意義是:
A. 莎士比亞的戲劇出類拔萃,他的悲劇Hamlet尤其值得讚美。
B. 莎士比亞的悲劇Hamlet變化多端,特別值得讚美。
C. 莎士比亞的悲劇Hamlet讓我們感觸不已,失去平靜。
D. 莎士比亞的戲劇各有特色,他的悲劇Hamlet更是悲劇中的悲劇。
5. The poet may or may not imitate the details of his culture. But if his work, as a whole, is to be intelligible to his audience, he must have a profound understanding of his culture.
( ) 這句話的意義是:
A. 一個詩人的作品如果要為他的讀者群了解,他自己必須深刻了解他的文化。
B. 一個詩人如果要模仿他的文化中的細節,他自己必須深刻了解他的文化,才能幫助他的讀者們。
C. 一個詩人必須了解他的文化和他的讀者,注重細節,他的作品才能引起共鳴。
D. 一個詩人必須深刻了解他的文化,巨細無遺的模仿,他的作品才能有大量讀者。
What is
civilization? I don’t know. I can’t define it in abstract terms—yet. But I
think I can recognize it when I see it; and I am looking at it now. Buskin
said: “Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts, the book
of their deeds, the book of their words and the book of their art. Not one of
these books can be understood unless we read the tow others, but of the three
the only trustworthy one is the last.”